August 22nd, 2022
Website Development
I finally figured out why my code was making the last paragraph into a header.
I’m pretty sure it had something to do with uncontained CSS code that didn’t have enclosing brackets. Actually I think it was having text touching a horizontal line-break dash which I just figured out while writing this can cause emboldened text. sigh
My adventures in Docker has finally actually started!
My whole issue was the inability to get Heimdall running properly.
Turns out it was incorrectly defining the ports it needed to run on so it just…wouldn’t run.
Now that I have sorted out I plan on reinstalling Windows Server and getting everything spun back up.
Now I know ruining all of this work I’ve put into troubleshooting everything has a very high chance of introducing even more problems but hey, I learn by causing my own issues and having to fix them.
So wish me luck. I’ll hopefully succeed without too many issues. crosses fingers